Feasibility study on establishing and operating a seedling nursery in Ayrum community in Tavush region, Armenia

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Feasibility studies
  • Period: Oct 2017 - Dec 2017

Monitoring system installation for EU funded «Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia» Project

  • Client: Shen NGO
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jun 2017 - Sep 2017

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Third Public Sector Modernization Project

  • Client: RA Government Staff / Office of the RA Prime Minister
  • Sector: Legislature, state and regional governance, local self-governance
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: May 2017 - Nov 2022

Market Research/Baseline Study and Strategic Plan Development for Tavush Agribusiness Association

  • Client: CCD Territorial Cooperation NGO
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Strategic planning, Economic and social research
  • Period: May 2017 - Nov 2017

Training Need Analysis to Identify Capacity Gaps of Governmental Sector Staff and Self-Governing Bodies in the Environmental Education Area

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Environmental Education
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Apr 2017 - Aug 2017

“Improving Regional Food Security in South Caucasus through National Strategies and Smallholder Production” Project: Final Evaluation

  • Client: OXFAM
  • Sector: Food security
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Mar 2017 - Jul 2017

Mid Term External Evaluation of “Forest Fruits - Markets for Women” Project

  • Client: OXFAM
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Mar 2017 - Apr 2017

Feasibility study of establishment of forest products harvesting and processing production unit in Voskepar and value chain analysis within the Joint Development Program of 6 villages of Tavush region of RA

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Feasibility studies
  • Period: Mar 2017 - May 2017

Market Research (for EU funded “Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia” Project)

  • Client: Shen NGO
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Feb 2017 - May 2017

WVA “Improved Perinatal and Newborn Care in Syunik and Gegharkunik Marzes” Project Baseline Evaluation

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jan 2017 - Apr 2017

Capacity Assessment of the Professional Staff of Kapan and Vanadzor Care and Protection Boarding Schools

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Social services
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Dec 2016 - Feb 2017

Development a Roadmap for the Farm Service Centers Expansion

  • Client: CARD
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Strategic planning
  • Period: Dec 2016 - Jun 2017

Independent Monitoring Agency for Sustainable Urban Development Investment Program, Project 2

  • Client: Yerevan Municipality
  • Sector: Public infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Aug 2016 - Apr 2021

Evaluation of Veterinary Service Centers established by CARMAC Project

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jun 2016 - Sep 2016

"Rural Assets Creation" Programme impact assessment

  • Client: RAED PIU
  • Sector: Public infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: May 2016 - Jul 2016

Trademark, Labelling and Packaging Development Services

  • Client: UNIDO
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Marketing
  • Period: May 2016 - Oct 2017

Business plan development and farmer training services

  • Client: UNIDO
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Business and investment planning, Training and awareness raising
  • Period: Nov 2015 - May 2016

Project effectiveness review "Women's economic empowerment in rural communities of Vayots Dzor region" Project

  • Client: OXFAM
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Nov 2015 - Dec 2015

In-depth market study and value chain analysis of dried fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs in Armenia

  • Client: UNIDO
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Oct 2015 - Apr 2016

Independent evaluator for Value Chain Development component

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Sep 2015 - Dec 2017

World Bank Group country opinion survey for Armenia

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Aug 2015 - Sep 2015

Assessment of post-Implementation and completion results (ICR) of the Armenia Urban Heating Project

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: Public infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Aug 2015 - Dec 2016

"Improving small holder farming through agricultural cooperatives and value chain development in Tavush Marz, Armenia” Project final evaluation

  • Client: OXFAM
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jun 2015 - Aug 2015

Nationwide survey among pensioners collecting data for the Pension System results based monitoring framework

  • Client: Chemonics
  • Sector: Pension system
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: May 2015 - Aug 2015

Social survey on food safety public awareness

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Food safety
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Feb 2015 - Jul 2015

Fact-finding assessment among households having migrants and returned migrants in Vayots Dzor and Syunik Regions

  • Client: IOM
  • Sector: Migration, refugees
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Feb 2015 - Apr 2015

Business plan on establishment of pig genetic center

  • Client: CARD AgroServices
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Nov 2014 - Dec 2014

FLEG-2 Program stakeholder awareness and perceptions baseline survey

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: Ecology
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Nov 2014 - Dec 2016

Monitoring of intermediary results of the "Markets for Meghri" Project implementation, 2014

  • Client: CARD
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Nov 2014 - Dec 2014

Armenian Social Investment Fund-3 Project beneficiaries assessment

  • Client: ASIF
  • Sector: Public infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Oct 2014 - Jan 2015

Development of the methodology, questionnaire and its filling guide for the assessment of the financial capability of the RA population

  • Client: CBA
  • Sector: Financial capability
  • Service: Development of methodologies and guidelines
  • Period: Mar 2014 - Jul 2014

Development of operational manuals of “Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness” Project 2

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Development of methodologies and guidelines
  • Period: Mar 2014 - Aug 2014

Survey to assess obstacles to export potential of Armenian SMEs

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Dec 2013 - Feb 2014

Baseline survey for developing monitoring and evaluation indicators for measuring progress of "Pension Reform Implementation Program" intervention

  • Client: Chemonics
  • Sector: Pension system
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation, Public surveys
  • Period: Dec 2013 - Feb 2014

Baseline survey on the effectiveness of social services delivery and its impact on the socio-economic situation in vulnerable families in Armenia

  • Client: UNICEF
  • Sector: Social services
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014

Baseline socio-economic assessment of Meghri sub-region communities. Baseline assessment of financial market in Meghri.

  • Client: CARD
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Aug 2013 - Nov 2013

Developing local goat cheese and honey brands for Chambarak region, Gegharkunik marz

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Marketing
  • Period: Jul 2013 - Sep 2013

Development of CARD AgroCredit UCOs business plan for 2013-2018

  • Client: CARD AgroCredit
  • Sector: Finance
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Jul 2013 - Sep 2013

Approximation of 50 EU legal acts and development of national legal acts in the field of food safety

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Food safety
  • Service:
  • Period: May 2013 - Jul 2015

Development of Armenian economy's macroeconomic projections' and analyses' models

  • Client: Ministry of Finance
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Development of methodologies and guidelines
  • Period: Nov 2012 - May 2013

Assessing the impact of advisory services provided by the Marz Agricultural Support Centers

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Oct 2012 - Dec 2014

World Bank client survey for Armenia

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Sep 2012 - Oct 2012

Support to conduct tourism and food production sectors occupational mapping and skills audit

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Jul 2012 - Dec 2012

Study of Aregak UCO's activity's macro-environment, customers' opinion survey, needs and demand assessment, design and proposal of a package of marketing measures

  • Client: Aregak
  • Sector: Finance
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Jul 2012 - Sep 2012

Due Diligence for Loan Application in order to Present to Byblos Bank

  • Client: Vitamax-E
  • Sector: Pharmaceutical industry
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Jun 2012 - Jul 2012

Independent Monitoring Agency for Sustainable Urban Development Investment Program, Project 1

  • Client: Yerevan Build Up Investment PIU
  • Sector: Public infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: May 2012 - Nov 2018

Feasibility study on the establishment of a forested protection area in Northern Armenia

  • Client: WWF
  • Sector: Ecology
  • Service: Feasibility studies
  • Period: May 2012 - Jun 2012

Final evaluation of "Health for Families" Project

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Apr 2012 - Jun 2012

Initiative on provision of financial literacy for private pensions in Marzes of RA

  • Client: Deloitte Consulting
  • Sector: Pension system
  • Service: Training and awareness raising
  • Period: Apr 2012 - Sep 2012

Financial capability survey in Armenia

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: Financial capability
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Dec 2011 - Jun 2012

Creating financial advisory services within 7 municipalities in Meghri sub-region

  • Client: Shen NGO
  • Sector: Finance
  • Service: Training and awareness raising
  • Period: Oct 2011 - Mar 2012

Baseline survey fieldwork in Shirak and Vayots Dzor Marzes

  • Client: SEF International
  • Sector: Finance
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Jun 2011 - Jul 2011

Study for identification of actual capacities and development opportunities of entrepreneurship and agricultural food production, processing and export promotion in Tavush Marz

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Jun 2011 - Sep 2011

Development of business skills of managers and employees of Sisian region

  • Client: ACF International
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Training and awareness raising
  • Period: Apr 2011 - May 2011

Stakeholder analysis, socio-economic assessment and survey for tourism development in targeted areas

  • Client: WWF
  • Sector: Ecology
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Jan 2011 - May 2011

Domestic perception of Armenian pharmaceutical products

  • Client: Nathan Associates
  • Sector: Pharmaceutical industry
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Dec 2010 - Feb 2011

Innovation readiness survey

  • Client: EIF
  • Sector: Innovations
  • Service: Development of methodologies and guidelines
  • Period: Nov 2010 - Apr 2011

Feasibility study, analysis and identification of business opportunities in Kirants and Shikahogh sub-regions

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Feasibility studies
  • Period: Nov 2010 - Feb 2011

Feasibility study on the establishment of Shikahogh biosphere reserve

  • Client: E.C.O. Institute of Ecology
  • Sector: Ecology
  • Service: Feasibility studies
  • Period: Oct 2010 - Aug 2011

Baseline survey of general population awareness of the Government proposed pension reform

  • Client: Deloitte Consulting
  • Sector: Pension system
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Oct 2010 - Apr 2011

Study of possible exporting volumes of Armenian fruits and vegetable

  • Client: FFPMC
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Sep 2010 - Dec 2010

Wood processing sector survey

  • Client: WWF
  • Sector: Ecology
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Aug 2010 - Nov 2010

Analysis of existing and potential financial services for value chain development in Armenia

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Finance
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Aug 2010 - Aug 2010

Social assessment for Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness Project

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Apr 2010 - Jun 2010

Development of activity plan for Armenian statistical master plan

  • Client: FFPMC
  • Sector: State statistics
  • Service: Strategic planning
  • Period: Apr 2010 - Jun 2010

Analysis of processors and traders involved in value chains of selected biodiversity products in Armenia

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Mar 2010 - May 2010

Socio-economic baseline study. Developing value-chain prospects of biodiversity resources in selected communities of Tavush and Syunik Marzes

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Nov 2009 - Jan 2010

Impact assessment of the sub-component “Strengthening the Seed and Sapling Market”

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Sep 2009 - Nov 2009

Public perception survey for “Judicial Reforms” Project 2

  • Client: Judicial Reform PIU
  • Sector: Judicial system
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation, Public surveys
  • Period: Sep 2009 - Apr 2013

Development of baby food production establishment investment / business plan

  • Client: Vitamax-E
  • Sector: Pharmaceutical industry
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Sep 2009 - Nov 2009

Workshop: Presentation of the Armenian statistical master plan

  • Client: NSS (SC)
  • Sector: State statistics
  • Service: Strategic planning
  • Period: Jun 2009 - Jun 2009

Development of National Statistical Master Plan for Armenia

  • Client: NSS (SC)
  • Sector: State statistics
  • Service: Strategic planning
  • Period: Mar 2009 - Jun 2009

Skills and knowledge needs assessment for pharmaceutical industry

  • Client: Nathan Associates
  • Sector: Pharmaceutical industry
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Sep 2008 - Nov 2008

Assessment of the domestic perception of Armenian pharmaceutical products

  • Client: Nathan Associates
  • Sector: Pharmaceutical industry
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Apr 2008 - Jul 2008

Preparation of "Kapan Small Farmers’ Association" strategic development plan

  • Client: OXFAM
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Strategic planning
  • Period: Mar 2008 - May 2008

Organization and implementation of training seminars for the "Community Economic Development Program"

  • Client: APIU
  • Sector: Finance
  • Service: Training and awareness raising
  • Period: Nov 2007 - Dec 2007

Baseline study of beneficiaries of "Increase of Small Farmers Access to Market" Project

  • Client: OXFAM
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Apr 2007 - Jul 2007