Enhancing high-value crop diversification - Viability of sustainable livestock intensification and readiness assessment

  • Client: ADB
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Jun 2024 - Nov 2024

Annual Statistical Survey: "Tax and Customs Administration Modernization" (TCAM) Project

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: Tax and customs system
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Apr 2024 - Jun 2024

Primary data collection on migration and climate change

  • Client: IOM
  • Sector: Migration, refugees
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Apr 2024 - Jul 2024

Consultant for assistance in localizing methodology and methodological guidance developed by international experts and training support

  • Client: Expertise France
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Apr 2024 - Mar 2025

Value chain analysis of apricot, peaches, raspberry and walnut in Armenia

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Mar 2024 - Sep 2024

Administering the survey questionnaire over the telephone with return migrants

  • Client: IOM
  • Sector: Migration, refugees
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Mar 2024 - Apr 2024

External evaluation of the "Increasing civic voice and action for labour rights and social protection in Armenia: EU4Labour rights"

  • Client: OxYGen
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Feb 2024 - Apr 2024

Performance of the project Final Evaluation related to Austrian Development Agency Grant Project "Fruit production sector development in Armenia (FRUTENIA)" for the period of 01.12.20219.-30.04.2024.

  • Client: ICARE
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Feb 2024 - Jun 2024

Assistance in finalizing ToRs, budget program identification, and establishment of an Evaluation Unit for the RA Ministry of Finance

  • Client: Expertise France
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Feb 2024 - Apr 2024

Food security and vulnerability assessment services

  • Client: WFP
  • Sector: Food security
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Jan 2024 - Apr 2024

Research on public perceptions of state and statehood

  • Client: RA Government Staff / Office of the RA Prime Minister
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Jan 2024 - Jun 2024

Vulnerability mapping of youth

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Nov 2023 - Mar 2024

Public services responsive to citizens' needs and community development initiatives within the "Local Self-Government and Decentralization Reforms" Program

  • Client: ATDF
  • Sector: Legislature, state and regional governance, local self-governance
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Nov 2023 - Nov 2025

Review and analysis of Territorial and Administrative Reform in Armenia (TARA): Benefits, Effects, and Promises for Future Reforms

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Legislature, state and regional governance, local self-governance
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Nov 2023 - Aug 2024

Beneficiaries assessment of impact of the “Social Investment and Local Development” Project and its Additional Financing

  • Client: ATDF
  • Sector: Public infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Oct 2023 - Feb 2024

Consultancy service for World Bank Armenia under "Customs Administration Development" (CAD) II Project

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: Tax and customs system
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Oct 2023 - Feb 2025

"Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Mountainous Armenia" (SIGMA) Program Baseline Survey 2023

  • Client: DAI
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Oct 2023 - Dec 2023

Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) macro assessment in Armenia

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Finance
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Aug 2023 - Oct 2023

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Fourth Public Sector Modernization Project

  • Client: RA Government Staff / Office of the RA Prime Minister
  • Sector: Legislature, state and regional governance, local self-governance
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jul 2023 - Mar 2028

“Towards inclusive Armenia’’ Project external evaluation

  • Client: Agate NGO
  • Sector: Civil society, human rights, elections
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jul 2023 - Aug 2023

Agriculture competitiveness in Armenia – enhancing farm and value chain support mechanisms

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: May 2023 - Jun 2023

Piloting and validation of hybrid means tested targeting approach in Armenia

  • Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Issues
  • Sector: Social services
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Apr 2023 - Oct 2023

Assessment of migrant skills, capacities and needs as well as the labour market needs assessment in the Shirak region

  • Client: IOM
  • Sector: Migration, refugees
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Mar 2023 - Jul 2023

Development and implementation of the capacity development and awareness raising programme on agricultural advisory service/extension service models for sectoral stakeholders within the EU-GAIA Project

  • Client: ADA
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Mar 2023 - Jun 2023

“Participatory democracy in action” Project evaluation

  • Client: Transparency International
  • Sector: Civil society, human rights, elections
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jan 2023 - Mar 2023

Implementation of control, monitoring and mentoring for the selected beneficiaries of Window 1 program (Phase III)

  • Client: RAED PIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Dec 2022 - Mar 2023

"Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Mountainous Armenia" (SIGMA) Program implementation

  • Client: DAI
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Dec 2022 - Nov 2026

World Bank Group opinion survey

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Dec 2022 - Feb 2023

International visitor survey on national level

  • Client: ATDF
  • Sector: Tourism, touristic infrastructure
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Dec 2022 - Aug 2024

Consultancy services for development of Food Security Strategy and Action Plan

  • Client: WFP
  • Sector: Food security
  • Service: Strategic planning
  • Period: Jul 2022 - Oct 2022

Infrastructure and Rural Finance Programme Final Impact Assessment (including RFF, FREDA)

  • Client: RAED PIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jul 2022 - Jan 2023

"Family environment and services in communities for children of Armenia" (FESCCA) project final evaluation

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jun 2022 - Sep 2022

Preparation of Borrower's Completion Report for CARMAC 2 Project

  • Client: Ministry of Economy
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: May 2022 - Sep 2022

External evaluation of the "Early elections 2021 - domestic observations and citizens empowerment" Project funded by EU

  • Client: OxYGen
  • Sector: Civil society, human rights, elections
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: May 2022 - Aug 2022

Data collection services to be used for Food Security Monitoring

  • Client: WFP
  • Sector: Food security
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Apr 2022 - Jun 2022

Development of macro-project proposals within the framework of the challenges identified in the participatory planning process in the 5 demarcated areas of RA Lori և Tavush marzes and research of available resources for their implementation

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Regional and community development
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Apr 2022 - Aug 2022

"Strengthening Stability and Resilience of the Bordering Communities in Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik and Syunik Regions (Phase 3)": Project beneficiary-based survey

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Apr 2022 - Jul 2022

Grape value chain study

  • Client: Ministry of Economy
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Feb 2022 - May 2022

Description and exploration of the knowledge network (Micro-AKIS ) in Southern and Northern Armenia to foster dual VET in agricultural and related value-chains and to boost interactive innovation to improve their efficiency

  • Client: Bern University of Applied Sciences
  • Sector: Education
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Dec 2021 - May 2022

Implementation of control, monitoring and mentoring for the selected beneficiaries of Window 2 program (Phase II)

  • Client: RAED PIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Dec 2021 - Sep 2022

Corruption risk assessment survey in urban development in Armenia

  • Client: Transparency International
  • Sector: Urban development, construction
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Nov 2021 - Dec 2021

Baseline assessment of the housing needs, livestock farming, physical condition of the public facilities and other related issues in the regions of Syunik, Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Migration, refugees
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Nov 2021 - Jan 2022

Evaluation of the "Building capacities for observation and promoting the integrity of parliamentary elections in Armenia" Project

  • Client: Transparency International
  • Sector: Civil society, human rights, elections
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Oct 2021 - Dec 2021

Public hearings in 18 enlarged communities

  • Client: ATDF
  • Sector: Legislature, state and regional governance, local self-governance
  • Service: Training and awareness raising
  • Period: Oct 2021 - Nov 2021

Public opinion poll on the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Legislature, state and regional governance, local self-governance
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Oct 2021 - Dec 2021

Holding public hearings on the enlargement of communities among the population of Armavir and Ararat marzes

  • Client: ATDF
  • Sector: Legislature, state and regional governance, local self-governance
  • Service: Training and awareness raising
  • Period: Sep 2021 - Sep 2021

Monitoring of the EU4Environment. "Green community - resilient future" Project

  • Client: ATP CF
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Aug 2021 - Feb 2024

Development and improvement of agricultural policy and strategies in 3 northern marzes of Armenia - Tavush, Lori and Shirak

  • Client: ADA
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Strategic planning
  • Period: Jul 2021 - Mar 2022

Consultancy service for the LEID Project Performance, Monitoring & Evaluation in the selected regions of Armenia

  • Client: ATDF
  • Sector: Tourism, touristic infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jun 2021 - Dec 2024

Training of trainers on sustainable agriculture practices

  • Client: RAED PIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Training and awareness raising
  • Period: May 2021 - Oct 2021

Final evaluation of the "Livestock Development in Armenia: South-North" Project

  • Client: SDA NGO
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: May 2021 - Aug 2021

SAY YES project final evaluation

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Labor market, employment, unemployment
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: May 2021 - Sep 2021

Final evaluation of "Holding and Animal Identification and Registration (HAI&R)" Project in Armenia

  • Client: CARD
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: May 2021 - Jun 2021

Evaluation of the "Promoting partnership for effective work-based learning opportunities in VET" project

  • Client: SDA NGO
  • Sector: Education
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Mar 2021 - Apr 2021

Business plan of the Syunik Animal Market

  • Client: SDA NGO
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Mar 2021 - May 2021

Individual housing construction survey

  • Client: NSS (SC)
  • Sector: Urban development, construction
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Feb 2021 - Mar 2022

Agriculture structural survey

  • Client: NSS (SC)
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Feb 2021 - Aug 2021

External evaluation of the "EU4Culture: Stronger Communities and Initiatives" project

  • Client: DVV International
  • Sector: Tourism, touristic infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Feb 2021 - May 2021

Survey on industrial producer price index (domestic and foreign market)

  • Client: NSS (SC)
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Dec 2020 - Aug 2021

Survey on gender based violence

  • Client: NSS (SC)
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Dec 2020 - Aug 2021

Training of pre-selected beneficiaries under Window 2 - Sustainable Farming Programme (CFP-combined financing products)

  • Client: RAED PIU
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Training and awareness raising
  • Period: Nov 2020 - Mar 2021

Conducting research on COVID-19 related vulnerabilities of 3rd country migrants in Armenia

  • Client: IOM
  • Sector: Migration, refugees
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Oct 2020 - Dec 2020

Independent evaluator for Value Chain Development component

  • Client: Ministry of Economy
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Oct 2020 - Dec 2020

COVID-19 impact assessment on the beneficiaries of Cash+ pilot

  • Client: FAO
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Sep 2020 - Oct 2020

Assessment of Syunik animal market

  • Client: SDC
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Jul 2020 - Nov 2020

Evaluation of sub-projects (business applications) submitted under the "Exporter Development Grants" competition under the World Bank’s TPQI Program

  • Client: ISCF
  • Sector: SME support and development
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Jul 2020 - Aug 2020

Citizen satisfaction baseline assessment in enlarged municipalities to measure perception on citizen engagement in decision making, budget planning and community development affairs at local level

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Legislature, state and regional governance, local self-governance
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Jun 2020 - Dec 2020

Rapid study analysis on COVID-19 potential impact on food supply system in Armenia

  • Client: ADA
  • Sector: Food security
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Jun 2020 - Aug 2020

"EU Green Agriculture Initiative in Armenia" (EU GAIA) Project: Baseline survey

  • Client: ADA
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Jun 2020 - Sep 2020

Consultancy services for the Implementation of startup packages for Window 1

  • Client: RAED PIU
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Jun 2020 - Jun 2022

Development of business models for small-scale agriculture and agro-processing sectors

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Feb 2020 - Jun 2020

Independent evaluator for Value Chain Development component

  • Client: Ministry of Economy
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Jan 2020 - May 2020

Beneficiaries assessment of "Social Investment and Local Development" Project impact

  • Client: ATDF
  • Sector: Public infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Dec 2019 - Jul 2020

Data collection and analyses for “Cash+” pilot program implementation process assessment

  • Client: FAO
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Nov 2019 - Feb 2020

Development of “School Forest District” program concept, action plan and implementation

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Environmental Education
  • Service: Strategic planning
  • Period: Nov 2019 - Feb 2020

Final evaluation of "Bridge for CSOs" Project

  • Client: AGBU
  • Sector: Civil society, human rights, elections
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Oct 2019 - Feb 2020

Countrywide research to assess citizens’ perception on roles of men and women in the public service and on inclusive and gender-sensitive governance

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Sep 2019 - Feb 2020

Sociological survey on comprehension of economic competition among the businessmen

  • Client: Transparency International
  • Sector: Economic competition
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Aug 2019 - Dec 2019

"Family environment and services in communities for children of Armenia" (FESCCA) Program: Quantitative data collection

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Jul 2019 - Aug 2019

Conducting sectoral counselling and feasibility study on buckwheat production and high value cheese manufacturing in Amasia consolidated community, Shirak Region

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Feasibility studies
  • Period: Jul 2019 - Oct 2019

External evaluation of "Electoral Preparation and Monitoring by Civil Society Organizations in Armenia: Elections for All" Project funded by EU

  • Client: OxYGen
  • Sector: Civil society, human rights, elections
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jun 2019 - Aug 2019

Development of the investment plan for the establishment of cattle breeding and milk production complex by “Milkys” LLC

  • Client: Milkys
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Apr 2019 - Jun 2019

Feasibility study on promoting the production, harvesting, storage and processing of high-quality crops and market development in Berd community of the RA Tavush Province

  • Client: UNDP
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Feasibility studies
  • Period: Mar 2019 - May 2019

USAID "Rural Economic Development - New Economic Opportunities" (RED-NEO) Program implementation

  • Client: CARD
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Project design and implementation
  • Period: Mar 2019 - Dec 2026

Baseline study of "Holding and Animal Identification and Registration (HAI&R)" Project in Armenia

  • Client: CARD
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jan 2019 - May 2019

Development of the business plan for the expansion of dry food (fruits and vegetables) production

  • Client: Rival
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Dec 2018 - May 2019

Satisfaction measuring on management of biodiversity and ecosystem services in IBiS pilot areas (2018, 2019)

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Nov 2018 - Nov 2019

"Livestock Development in Northern Armenia" Project (2015-2018) evaluation

  • Client: SDA NGO
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Oct 2018 - Nov 2018

Milk and dairy value chain analysis in Armenia

  • Client: Bles Dairies
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Oct 2018 - Mar 2019

Animal feed production and milk productivity study in Armenia

  • Client: CARD
  • Sector: Agriculture, agricultural services and infrastructure
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Aug 2018 - Nov 2018

Evaluation of one pilot project and gender-sensitive cost-benefit analysis

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jul 2018 - Nov 2018

Survey of bakeries

  • Client: Experto
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Jun 2018 - Jul 2018

SAY YES project baseline evaluation

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Labor market, employment, unemployment
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Jun 2018 - Aug 2018

Independent evaluator for Value Chain Development component

  • Client: ADF
  • Sector: Food production
  • Service: Business and investment planning
  • Period: Apr 2018 - Jul 2019

Baseline survey for the Project titled “Promoting of overall inclusion for children with disabilities in Armenia”

  • Client: Armenian Caritas BNGO
  • Sector: Social services
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Feb 2018 - Mar 2018

Development of financing packages, raising farmer awareness of packages developed and implementation of agricultural and financial training

  • Client: RAED PIU
  • Sector: Finance
  • Service: Training and awareness raising, Development of financial products
  • Period: Dec 2017 - May 2018

Satisfaction measuring on management of biodiversity and ecosystem services in IBiS pilot areas (2017)

  • Client: GIZ
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Dec 2017 - Jan 2018

Conduction of research on gender-based violence and prenatal sex-selection in Armenia

  • Client: World Vision
  • Sector: Social relations, social protection, gender issues
  • Service: Economic and social research
  • Period: Nov 2017 - Jun 2018

World Bank Group country opinion survey for Armenia

  • Client: WB
  • Sector: General economy
  • Service: Public surveys
  • Period: Nov 2017 - Jan 2018

Final external evaluation of “Forest Fruits - Markets for Women” Project

  • Client: OXFAM
  • Sector: Biodiversity
  • Service: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Period: Nov 2017 - Mar 2018